Monday, January 11, 2016

Things don't always (read: NEVER) go as planned. :)

One of my business partners, Audrey Beth.

Here we go...the inaugural post.  And I find it seriously ironic that on the day I'm planning to launch my blog all about balancing home, family and work life, I'm not able to get ANY work done due to home and family life!   Lincoln (the 8 year old) and Chloe (one of the twins, age 12) were both home from school sick and I ended up driving to and from the doctor's office in a neighboring town well as to the pharmacy once and Wal-mart twice.  So basically I spent the entire day in my fancy second office...also known as my Ford Expedition.    Thank goodness for Smart phones and wi-fi!! days go better than others!   Diagnosis of strep and a round of antibiotics...and we just roll with the punches.


  1. I love it Lindsay! I guess our first lesson is seeing you roll with the punches, and flow with life! When we can do that, it saves so much negativity that comes with unmet expectations. My current favorite quote is, "Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible." -Francis of Assisi Good for you, and love to all. Get well soon kids!

  2. Lindsay, you are an inspiration to me in rolling with the punches and coming out on top! I can't wait to read more.
